Mission Possible

My brother's song is out! It's so exciting! He's done two tracks for Apoorva Lakhia's Mission Istanbul. The title track that's been telecast on all the channels is his and it's already #2 on the Radio Mirchi countdown. The other song is being shot at Film City as I write this blog. It's called Nobody Like You. It's an item number that features Abhishek Bachchan and a model. I think that song rocks! I just love it!

I title this blog 'Mission Possible' because my brother has made all this possible on his own. No help from any 'filmi' connections that relatives keep inquiring about.

I am proud of you, brother!

Papa is looking after you from up there.


Anonymous said…
Hi Pauravi,

Long time since you've posted anything...actually I didn't comment on this post of your's before, coz Im not much of a movie buff, and wasn't sure I'd heard your brother's songs...for the record, I still haven't...but I'm sure he's done great and he is on the way to bigger and better in life

Do post..I love your insights

Pauravi Bhatt said…
It's quite encouraging to read your comments. Makes me want to write more. Even if there's only one person reading my blog ;-)

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