Men At Work

Some men at my workplace think being a mother is easy. Well, what can I say? Have they dealt with a colicky baby and sat up all night trying to make him go to sleep? Have they left their food, stayed hungry so that they can give attention to the wailing baby? Can they do this for a week continuously? I wonder if they did all of this or their wives! I don't know why these opinions are never voiced out directly to me! I'd appreciate if they did that.

Anyway, I can't be a JLo or a Farah Khan. That's for sure.

And my baby will thank me for that.


Dr Sonal Jomraj said…

Relax, ya Pauravi...
I like your posts....they're quite thought provoking, and very nice.

I think I'll be calling you up sometime just to get the Gayatri Mantra right, so I can teach it to my kids


Hang in there...I've relised most men just pass comments coz they think they're being funny. Else, deep down they know that they are not upto the task of raising a kid.

God made mothers coz He couldn't be everywhere at the same time.

Relax and enjoy the moments...they won't come back again. So live each one fully.

- Sonal
Pauravi Bhatt said…
Hey Sonal,
I'm glad you like my posts. Never thought anybody read them except me:-)

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