A Good Read. Have You Done It Yet?

There are many people I meet who proclaim to have a voracious appetite for books.

Maybe, they just fill their hunger for acquiring new books to fill up their showcases in the living room. 

I say this because when these people write down their thoughts, their written English is just terrible - in language and grammar. 

If you want to advertise to the world about your reading habits, please start digesting what you read so that the next time you put forth your thought in writing, you can prove it to them that you don't only read, but read really well.


Anonymous said…
Isn't language supposed to be just a carrier of thoughts, why worry about language accuracy beyond certain point, in other words why not let the language carry our thoughts forward, not the language itself. I would go to the extent of saying that one should worry if they start giving too much importance to the language accuracy, they should then check if there isn't enough thoughts to keep themselves occupied.
Hope you don't mind the comment.
Pauravi Bhatt said…
First, let me tell you that I don't mind your comment as my blog is a public one and you are entitled to put forth your views. What I do mind is that you did not reveal your identity. For all you know, your answer to this would be "what's in a name"!

Secondly, I just hope whoever reads your comment understands what you are really implying!!

Nonetheless, thanks for stopping by!
Anonymous said…
Never mind, it does not and may not make sense to many :)

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