Testing Time

The past weekend was very testing. C and I were at Wankhede Stadium witnessing the great fall of our country. It was not only Sachin who had failed. The MCA and the audience were an embarassment to our country too.

The Mumbai Cricket Association (MCA) makes crores of profit with each match that is played here. But where does all this money go? It can't even place a flush tank in the Stadium toilets! If not a flush tank, the least they can do is to provide the toilets with some decent buckets or tumblers so that the people who are paying so much to get into the stadium can ease themselves in hygienic surroundings. There are no dustbins to be seen anywhere. People have no choice but to trash everything wherever they feel like. What a sorry state the stadium is in! The steps are all broken, the benches hurt, the leg space has no space for the legs, the food can hardly be called 'food' - Pizzas without cheese, sandwiches without butter, samosas filled for the sake of filling.

The icing on this dirty cake was the crowd of Mumbai. It was equal to all the trash that I saw. Mouthing horrible bad words for the English team - here's a taste of it-"Flintoff is a b******", "Monty is a chhaka" and other words that I wouldn't even like to mention. In fact I felt like cheering the English out there. I was ashamed of my own people. The English were so very sophisticated. They did not react to these statements at all. They didn't need to. Their team was performing much better than ours. With the Indian wickets falling like nine pins, I wanted to cheer for Flintoff too. Just like the English audience did -

Super, super Fred
Super, super Fred
Super, super Fred
Super Freddie Flintoff!


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