Family Bonds

I know it's the financial year ending. This is not about any other bond that we want to invest our finances in.
It's all about loving your parents and family. Our family bonds. All of us show our love in different ways for our family. The important thing is to love - however you choose to do it. There's a lot depending upon the kind of relationship you've been sharing with your family since you were a child.

There are some children who've been away from their parents for years together. They do share a special bond with their parents in spite of not being close to them physically. This bond is of true respect for one's birth-giver and what they have silently gone through for their children. In such cases, both, the parents and the children become very independent. They can live without talking to each other or meeting with each other for days or months at times. Not that their love for each other is less. Probably, it's as much as any of us would have for our families.

Being from a very close knit family, we share our joys and sorrows with our parents and siblings. Taking the support that God has so readily given to us. Not that we've been mollycoddled. We've definitely been given our share of independence. Studying what we'd desired, having all kinds of friends coming over, going out for late night parties etc.
This freedom that we freely received from our parents have made us independent in our own ways. After finishing our studies we've been on our own. Being able to use our education to become financially independent. Education is the best gift that our parents have showered on us.

Just one conversation with my mother or a brief visit to her makes me so happy. Sharing problems, giving solutions and lightening the load of a family member gives me so much joy. We don't need a Mother's day or a Sister's day in India to make your family members feel good. Why can't everyday be a family day? Why can't we talk to our parents and siblings everyday? Why not make all the days special for your family?

Let's get in touch with our parents and siblings today, rather now itself. Tell them you care for them and you're there for them. Words can do wonders. Talk to them, meet them, love them. You have this family only once, in this birth.

Make the most of this greatest bond on earth.

PS: I'm off to meet C's parents this weekend and I'm looking forward to it!


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