Fun Being Mum

This wee little fellow resists sleep all day - and night. He just doesn't want to sleep in the afternoon and in the night we actually have to force him to go to bed.

Tonight, he kept singing on the bed, in spite of the lights switched off. My husband had lost his patience and told him, "Go to sleep now! It's sleeping time."

And to this he replied," No, it's singing time."!!


Prabha said…
Hello Pauravi ji, I have been trying to get in touch with you on the email - But the emails always bounce back. I wanted to thank you for putting up a wonderful site. It had so much information. It makes one want to see that all movies but very few are available in the market. I have only managed to watch Bhakt Dhruv and Bharat Milap. I so want to watch Ram Rajya (1943), Bharat Bhent (Marathi) (1942), and many more. Can there be done something to make films by Vijay Sir easily available for general public. I know the market is not big but it is not non-existent. There are so many like me who love to watch old films but these days no one is interested in them. We have so many movie channels but they keep showing the same new films over and over. Please Ma'am if you could do something. I had one more request; I wanted one close up picture of Prem Adib if you have in your collection. He is one of my favorites. Thank you.
Pauravi Bhatt said…
Hello Prabha,

I'll surely try and find a picture of Mr. Prem Adib for you. It could take some time, though.

Also, I'm so sorry about the mails bouncing back. I will get into the matter right away.

Thank you so much for your comment on the website.

Prabha said…
Thank you Pauravi ji. I will be waiting for the picture. When is the issue likely to resolve?

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