Fun Being Mum

Little children can be a handful. But they can also be real destressers! I too have my share of tiring spells with a toddler in his 'terrible twos'.

I often tell him to listen to mummy as mummy gets very tired. Today, after I gave him a bath, he sat on the sofa and made a sad little face saying, "Babboo is tired!"

A few days back, we both were busy doing a puzzle in the afternoon. Of animals and thier babies.
He picked up a chick and showed it to me. "That's my little baby!", I said lovingly. Immediately he picked up the hen and said "This is my mummy!" I just couldn't help but laugh out loud!

And the best part about being a mother is receiving so many wet kisses before going to bed and early in the mornings. I can tolerate any of the terrible twos, threes or fours for that.


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