A Simple Life

Life is simple. We tend to complicate it, always. Material wants are growing by the day. 'I want this' and ' Buy me that'. Children are exposed to so many things today, it's difficult to curb their desires.

But is wasn't like that when I was a kid. One drawing book would keep me engaged for a whole month. Or a fountain pen would be 'the thing' to buy! Who uses fountain pens now? Kids use 'gel' pens! The charm of smoothening the nibs on a lime stone and that of filling ink in them is gone altogether.

I play this CD of Walt Disney songs for my baby. One song from there made me think about how the simple joys of life have dissappeared. And how those very simple things can make you happy.

Daisy, Daisy
Give me an answer, do
I'm half crazy
All for the love of you

It won't be a stylish marriage
I can't afford a carraige
But you'll look sweet
Upon the seat
Of my bicycle built for two.


mahendra_awode@rediffmail.com said…
I cannot express my sense of gratitude. I am very grateful to you for encouraging me to write on Meena Kumari, The book in Marathi translation is now published. I wish to personally give a copy of the same to you.

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