Angry at myself

Yes. Today I'm stressed because I got angry. It's very rare to see me losing my temper this way. And now I'm feeling so, so bad for being angry that I'm angry at myself. This cook has a knack of making me feel like this. He's been putting so much salt in the food everyday. I've been patiently telling him since months now to control his burning desire to put extra salt in the food. But nothing changes. He has to be suffering from low blood pressure and is adamant to give us a soaring high blood pressure!

Today it was the limit. When I asked him if he had put less salt, he laughed saying he didn't know. What did he mean by that? Are we paying him to make us sick? My mercury rose and how! I screamed with all the bass and treble god has gifted me with. And this fellow has the audacity to tell me that he will make food the way he wants. And I shouted in a 'speaker burst' loud tone and shook the hell out of him. But I wonder if it would make any difference to him. He's the sickest and most egoistic person I've ever come across. And in the tone of Linda Lamont in the film 'Singing in the rain', I CAN'T STAND HIM.


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