Sleepy Sunday

It's Sunday today and I am feeling so very sleepy at this time of day. I am at my mom's place since a week and keep hogging like a pig! That's not all. Yesterday was a holiday too and my maasi and I slept for 2 hours in the afternoon! Blame the weather! It's so nice and cool here right now. My inlaws said it was pretty chilly their side too. My father-in-law's so cute! He can't take the cold weather and will cover himself with all the possible warm clothes there are. A monkey cap, muffler, sweater, jacket, gloves and socks! My mom-in-law teases him that he is in the Himalayas!

But I'm much like him too. Just can't take the cold! I tend to sleep with a comforter all year round, except the summers! Well, that reminds me. I woke up at 9 in the morning today, had a small nap after breakfast and planning to take a wee little one after posting this!

Happy sleepy sunday!


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