
Last night's dream was really unworldly.

"It was rainy day and I wanted to visit a temple that was almost out of the city. I was all alone. A rickshaw came to me and the Driver asked me where I wanted to go. I let him know and He told me that this wasn't the first time I had taken his rickshaw. He said he had taken me to the temple before. I failed to recognise him. This Man was old...probably in his 50's...Had I ever seen him before?

I sat in the rickshaw. The rain was pouring down heavily. I couldn't even see the road ahead of me. Somehow being all alone in this weather was making me feel very uneasy.

After much time, the rickshaw stopped. We had finally reached the temple. It was evening and the sky was red but cloudy and it was still raining. I paid the rickshaw driver and went inside. By the time I came out it was pitch dark and the wind was blowing hard. There was not a single soul to be seen outside. I was scared. I was very, very, very scared. How was I to go home in this weather? The rain was lashing down on me as I went to the gate of the temple. I could see no sign of a vehicle. What was I to do?

Suddenly, a rickshaw approached me from nowhere and the same Driver who brought me to the temple got out from it. He told me that He had been waiting for me outside for a long time. He said he had waited for me even on my previous visit to the temple. I didn't know what he was talking about. I did not remember seeing this man before! But seeing his concern for me at this moment, I suddenly felt so fatherly towards him. I had tears in my eyes and sat inside the rickshaw. My conscience told me that this Man was no ordinary man. He was a Saint. He was there for me in my time of trouble and braved the storm waiting for me. He did not look tired and His clothes were not wet in spite of sitting in an open rickshaw."

I woke up early in the morning at this point and in my wakeful state, my conscience told me the same thing. I looked at my bedside altar where I have photographs of all the saints. And I smiled.


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