SSS - Let's take some action!

You see it happening all around you. On the streets. Do you live in India? There's no way you haven't witnessed it yourself. SSS surely needs to stop. SSS is most disgusting! The sad part is that all of us look at it with a lot of indifference. 'I don't indulge in SSS, so why should I bother about someone who doesn't even concern me?.' With this kind of an attitude, do we see ourselves being free from the SSS? I don't think so.

I guess you must be quite inquisitive now. What in the world is SSS?


Disgusted? You should be. All of us should be. But are we going to do something about it? Even if it is in our own unique way. Do you have the courage to stop a person from throwing a packet of chips on the railway tracks from the window? Do you have the courage to stop a man from spitting the red liquid from his mouth? Do you have the courage to stop a man from urinating on the road? Do you have the courage to stop a person emptying his snotty nose on the street?

I do all of this. Why don't you? We can together turn the SSS to Sure Shot Success!


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