
As usual, I was in the train last evening, heading towards home. It takes around 10 odd minutes to reach my station. As soon as the train was drawing closer to my destination, I got up from my seat to stand near the compartment exit.

Right behind me was this Maharashtrian lady, clad in a ghastly pink saree. I don't know what her problem was as she kept pushing me lightly from behind, coaxing me to go further near the exit. I refused to budge. The train hadn't even halted ; why was she in such a hurry? Maybe she needed wings to fly out! When she pushed me again, I politely turned around and told her that I would only get off once the train halts completely and that if she wanted to get off faster she could do that from the other side of the exit.

Just then, the train halted and I was out. Maharashtrian lady zoomed passed me, turned around and with a voice dripping with sarcasm, asked me - "Are you paralysed?"
For a second or two, I was dumbfound. Instead of getting angry at her, I actually laughed and said. "Yes, how did you know?"

I'm sure she was dumbfound for a longer time thereafter as she just grunted under her breath and flew!


Aldrin M said…
alas! woe is us that daily ride the train,
tis the bane of our life mundane,
sad folks we have to meet,
without which our journey would be incomplete,
tis a wonder more people haven't gone down the line insane.

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