Money For Nothing! Smoke for Free!

March 5th has come and gone. So has Mark Knopfler. I was there at his concert, of course. But don't ask me if I saw his concert. Because the answer is - I just heard it. Too bad I'm only 5'2". Should have been at least 8ft tall to see Mark on the stage. Inspite of all my jumps and asking people in front to move left and right, I just couldn't get to see him. Yes, there were screens put up alongside the stage. I wish they were put a little higher. I could barely manage to see those too. To spoil the show further, there were people who managed to sneak in cigarettes inside the venue. There was too much crowd anyway and on top of that I had to breathe in all that smoke.

Oh yeah, before I forget to mention, I did hear Mark Knopfler. I love the laid back attitude of this guy. That lazy drawl of his! His fingers moved on his guitar with utmost grace. The way he teased the audience by changing the lead of his Sultans of Swing was the most entertaining part of the concert. But there was yet another drawback. His solo numbers. People were irritated with all that country rock. They wanted only Dire Straits. After doing 5 of his solos, Mark obliged us with Money for Nothing. apt. I actually ended up spending a thousand bucks to see nothing of Mark Knopfler. It would have been a better idea to play a cd of his at home!
Anyway...Why Worry Now?!


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