It's been a hard day's night!

And I've been working like a dog!

There is so much work happening in office. I know no one likes to read about work but that's all that I've done in the last few days. To whomsoever it may concern, whether you like it or not - You got to read about WORK!

I have made some 17 odd screens for mobile phone applications today. The client was not easy. He kept sending reminder mails all day long. There are more designs and usability issues to be tackled tomorrow.

By the way, I need a day off from work. I've got some important chores to do. Got to think about which day would be preferable. Friday sounds tempting! Long weekend! But I guess I'll select Thursday.

Enough of work now. It's time to go home...and WORK!

And I thought - I would be sleeping like a log!


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