Beautiful Ditch!

Love is stronger than justice
Love is thicker than blood
Love, love, love
Is stronger than justice
Love is a big fat river in the flood!

The words of one of Sting's songs are ringing in my ears.
I like the way he calls love 'a big fat river in the flood'.
Sets my mind thinking as to what he actually wants to imply.

Love has no boundary. Love doesn't unfold in a set pattern.
There are no laws here.
Blood is thicker than water but love is thicker than blood!
That makes love thicker than water. Water < Blood < Love
He calls love a fat river in the flood.

Therefore, Water < Blood < Love = Water.

Did you get it? No?? Well, don't even try!

Love is something one can never fully understand.
You always end up falling in that beautiful ditch!


One n Only Oz said…
All this you got from a "sting" song! Hats off to you! Love is such a lovely emotion that one lovingly falls in love without any further thought! That is the Power of Love! Keep loving, always.
(love bites, love bleeds)
It’s bringin’ me to my knees
(love lives, love dies)
It’s no surprise
(love begs, love pleads)
It’s what I need

If you’ve got love in your sights
Watch out, love bites
Yes it does
It will be hell

-'Love Bites', Def Leppard

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