
Showing posts from December, 2004

London Boy Mystery

Boy, oh Boy! Boy London is here! Now I'm sure there are a lot of questions on your mind. Who is Boy London? Is he a Patel boy from London or is he just a boy from London? Well, Boy London happens to be a European clothing brand and its showroom has recently opened up in Juhu. I used to go past the location often when the showroom was under construction wondering what would be coming up there. One fine day, it was open to the eyes of public. And believe me, I was hurt! I mean my eyes hurt. They had the whole showroom lit up in red light - yes, red light! With transparent doors and red light inside! I thought about the people working inside and felt sorry for them! How could they spend 8 hours of their day in a red room? Anyway, the answer came to me just yesterday. While passing by, I saw someone getting into the showroom and realised that only the doors were tinted red and that the lights inside were yellow! Roxanne You don't have to put on the red light T...

Monday Morning Snakes!

Talking about my favourite Observation Ground, the railway station, I see this lady on the bridge every Monday morning with a brass snake. She asks for money for the maintenance of this brass snake as it is the day of Shiva. Now does a metal snake need any of the money coming its way? All in the name of God. With every paisa you give her, she showers you with blessings. Maybe she gets all the money for those blessings. You hardly find them anywhere nowadays!

It's been a hard day's night!

And I've been working like a dog! There is so much work happening in office. I know no one likes to read about work but that's all that I've done in the last few days. To whomsoever it may concern, whether you like it or not - You got to read about WORK! I have made some 17 odd screens for mobile phone applications today. The client was not easy. He kept sending reminder mails all day long. There are more designs and usability issues to be tackled tomorrow. By the way, I need a day off from work. I've got some important chores to do. Got to think about which day would be preferable. Friday sounds tempting! Long weekend! But I guess I'll select Thursday. Enough of work now. It's time to go home...and WORK! And I thought - I would be sleeping like a log!

Reality Check

My friend, has written about how the world is short of Real Men. Worth a read. I was just wondering if there is anything real left anywhere! See what I mean: A: "Hey, your hair looks great!" B: "Thanks, I just got them straightened" C: "I love the colour of your eyes." D: "I never told you, but I wear brown lenses!" E: "Your nose used to be sharp when I saw you as a child." F: " Yes aunty, I went in for a cosmetic surgery." The list goes on and on and on... Let me take you down, cos I'm going to Strawberry Fields Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about...