
Showing posts from December, 2013

I don't want no Free - dom

Nothing is free in this world. I've never taken anyone for a ride. I've never cheated anyone of a single paisa. I never wanted anything for free. There is nothing free in this world. Everything is paid for, even the freebies in a store or a supermarket.

Unsocial Networking

I've taken a sabbatical from Social Networking. Even if it means temporarily. I like this old world blog. Need to get back to it instead of posting on FB and having an unknown world peeping into my life.

Whatever It May Be...

Does anybody even read my blog? Does anybody even have the time to just read? Does anybody like what I write? I write. I write what I want to write. I write because it makes me feel lighter. I write because I've been writing my thoughts since I was a child. I write not because I want someone to read what I write. I write because it makes me happy. I make sense sometime and sometime I don't. Whatever it may be...2004 this blog began. It will celebrate its 10th birthday this January 2014.